My Original "You're Crazy!" Project

It's been a while since my last post, and as I was sitting here I thought I should write an update. It's been a busy house this last month, with my husband going back to work after his surgery and Z going back to school. 8th grade!!! How on Earth did that happen?? Now that M is adjusting to life in a college dorm my home is a much more quiet and peaceful place. This has allowed me to get back to a project that has been sitting in my bag, literally, for years! I started The Final Few way back in June, 2009. You read that right. 2009. It was my first Heaven and Earth chart (I've since acquired several more), and it fed two of my loves: stitching and pandas! I remember thinking, "How hard could it be?" Then I looked at it. Over 60 pages. Lots of confetti stitches. Throw in a very strong willed young man causing lots of anxiety and anguish. It was too much to work on, and I put it aside. After the...