Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...
Fearing that they would become a UFO and live the rest of their days in the dark, Mickey and Minnie broke out of the stitching bag and insisted that they see the light of day. When last we saw them they looked like this: Pluto was a large blob of yellow at the bottom of the fabric. After a few days of some love and attention: Pluto still looks like a blob of yellow at the bottom of the fabric, but he also has an ear and a collar. While I'm on the subject of Pluto, I just have to say something. I know that using several shades of color give the finished piece fo great look. The shading really brings out alot. But really? Eight shades of yellow? Do we really need that many? I think that's why I left if to sit in the dark for so long. I took a look at Pluto's chart and said, "" But, knowing that there really is not that much more to stitch is really what brought it out of the stitching bag. I have to finish Pluto, stitch the fishing pole that is su...