More Than Just Intervention
If you have gone back to look at some of my older posts you will see that I am not a "one project at a time" kind of girl. I used to be. Then I met some other stitchers and their influence was pretty strong. I'm not, however, the kind of person who can have hundred of projects started. I have a stitching friend who is joining this group that will start a new project a day for 10 days. I couldn't do that. Too many projects started and I get seriously overwhelmed. So, while Intervention has been taking up the bulk of my stitching time lately, I have been working on other projects here and there, as well. Let's take a look! As you can see, Intervention's borders are almost complete . Now I get to pour through my book and pick motifs for each section of the piece. Last night I had stitch night with my friend, and she and her husband thought it was a cool project to work on being that there really is no pattern. We will s...