
Showing posts from May, 2010

Moving Right Along

Happy Monday, everyone! Here on Long Island it's a beautiful start to the week, after a weekend of beautiful weather. Both of the boys has little league games that were a pleasure to go to. We've had some cool weather here and some of the games have been so cold to sit through, but not this past weekend. Saturday afternoon M and Z asked if they could get ice cream from the ice cream man. They had been good and were playing together really nicely (for a change!) so I told them yes they could, but they had to pay for it. They even said that they would buy ice cream for MJ and myself, which I thought was sweet. I never turn down ice cream! Anyway, all of a sudden the two of them are fighting with each other about who would pay for the ice cream, but not in the way that you would think. This was what I heard: M: I'll pay for the ice cream. Z: No! You paid last time! It's my turn to pay! M: No, Z! YOU paid last time. I'm paying! Honestly, I couldn't s...

Busy Mother's Day

Did everyone have a good Mother's Day? My day was pretty busy. First of all, this year Mother's Day was not just Mother's Day in my house. It was also MJ's and my 13th wedding anniversary. 13 years?? Where did the time go? I started out the day laying in bed, trying to get rid of the migraine that I woke up with. Can I tell you all that Maxxalt is a great medicine? After about half an hour I got up showered and felt much better, to my relief. My BIL, T, and his new wife had us, my in-laws, and her mom over to their place for a Mother's Day luncheon. It was very nice. After that we came home and my in-laws came here and we ordered dinner. That is something that we have been doing since the year Z was born and it always has worked out well, until this year. Because we ordered dinner later than we normally do it took forever for it to be ready when MJ and his dad went to go pick it up. It was around 7:30 pm before we finally sat down to eat. By then the n...


It's been a while. With two boys playing little league this spring there are days when I'm really not sure if I'm coming or going. Between practices and games it's been very busy here. Tonight both boys have games at the same time at fields on opposite ends of the school district. Thank God I have in-laws who like me, love my boys, and are more than willing to lend a hand when my choice is either figure out how to use a time turner like Hermione Granger got to use in one of the Harry Potter books, or split myself in half. Needless to say, my stitching time this spring has been cut, but I am making progress. Mickey and Minnie now both have shoes and a completed bench to sit on: Can you guess what, or more accurately who, the yellow blob on the bottom is supposed to be? Anyone? It's Mickey's best friend, Pluto! Actually, in the picture of the finished project Pluto is looking a little put out that Mickey is spending his time in the sun with Minnie rather ...