A Very Busy Week

I'm not even sure where to start with what this week was like. I suppose I should start at the beginning with my husband having surgery to remove an obstruction in the kidney area this past Monday. He did well, but I was really not pleased with the care he received in the hospital. A surgical PA who came in to evaluate him on Tuesday was trying to release him without consulting the physician of record, and the hospital would have let him go if I hadn't called the doctor and demanded to know what the hell was going on! He hadn't even started on clear liquids yet and this guy was trying to release him? Ugh! They sent him home the next day, again, against my better judgment, but it was what it was. He's home and on the road to healing, which is what is important. Friday brought move in day for M, my college freshman. He didn't want me to take any pictures, but this was a huge step for him. He's not far away, and while living in the...