Time To Meet the Boys In the Band
Since I am trying to firmly place myself here in the blogging world I thought I should introduce you to the men in my life. Those handsome little men above are our boys, M, who is 9, and Z, who is 4. They have grown up so fast and I am a really lucky and proud mom.
Next is my husband, MJ. We've been married for 11 years. This picture was taken last year when we took a cruise to Alaska to celebrate our 10th anniversary. It was a great time!
My friend, Sheri, and I went to our local needlework shop (LNS) this morning and did a little shopping. Let's just say I did my best to help pick up our sagging economy! It's always nice to go there as the owner is really helpful and ready to get you anything that she may not carry in the shop. If you are lucky enough to havean LNS near you (although I really would not say mine is "local" as it's a 40 minute drive to get there ) I highly encourage you to give them your business.
I reallyyyyy need to update my blog I think. Good job so far.